Bedwas High School, Newport Road, Bedwas, Caerphilly, CF83 8BJ

02920 859800

Bedwas High School

Caring and Achieving

  1. Parents
  2. School Essentials Grant (PDG)

 School Essentials Grant (Replaces PDG Access Uniform Grant) 


School Essentials Grant - Access 2023/2024

This Grant provides £125 (except for year 7 which is £200) to buy school uniform, equipment, sports kit and kit for activities outside of school for your child.

The scheme for the 2023/24 academic year will begin on 1st July 2023 and end on 31st May 2024.

Please note that the one year only uplift of £100 (2022/23) on the value of this grant has now ended. 

This grant applies to all eligible pupils of compulsory year groups (Reception – Year 11), Looked After Children, and those who are classed as No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF).

Learners currently eligible for free school meals can apply for this grant if they are:

  • entering reception, year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in primary school in September 2023
  • entering year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in secondary school in September 2023
  • aged 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 15 in special schools, special needs resource bases or pupil referral units (year groups as detailed above)
  • For Year 7 learners the grant is £200, recognising the increased costs associated with starting secondary school.

This funding is for pupils currently eligible for free school meals and does not extend to pupils who receive free school meals under the transitional protection or universal offer. 

If you believe you are eligible for Free Schools Meals and have not already submitted an application then please complete the CCBC online Free School Meal application form. 

The Funding is available to ALL Children looked after (CLA), also known as Looked After Children (LAC) of compulsory school age, irrespective of FSM entitlement.

The funding can be used to purchase:

  • School uniform, including coats and shoes; 
  • School sports kit including footwear;
  • Uniform for wider activities, for example sports, scouts and guides;
  • School equipment where new curriculum activities begin such as design and technology; and
  • Equipment for out of school hours trips such as waterproofs for outdoor learning.
  • Laptops or tablets to assist with remote learning. Welsh Government advise families to contact their child’s school/setting to discuss loaning equipment before purchasing.

Mobile phones are excluded from this funding.

If you have already purchased the items, you can still apply and receive the funds retrospectively.

There is no longer a requirement for families to submit a specific application for this grant. Families of eligible pupils will receive a Post Office letter, allowing collection of a cash payment from any Post Office branch.

It is anticipated that letters for eligible pupils will be received by Monday 17th July 2023. Please note that any applications received for free school meals after Friday 30th June 2023, will not receive a letter in this first distribution. 

If you have any queries relating to this 2023/24 grant please e-mail or call our Catering Support Team on 01443 864055

Further information about this funding is available on the Welsh Government website.